World Without War
Our Highest Responsibility
Beyond War
How to Achieve a Peaceful World
First Steps on the Path
Peace is Action
Appropriate Response
Fire Department for the Fires of War
Practical Problems
Dark Ages
No Quick Fix
Work For Us All
Into the 21st Century
Think Globally
Age of Arbitration
May Peace Prevail On Earth
Into Our Future
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No Quick Fix


    We face many practical problems for which there is no quick fix or easy solution.  This booklet is an effort to see through the forest of human nature into a future of our choice: a future in which a peaceful, non-violent world is a basic right for us all.

    This does not solve the problems, but sets us on a path of mandatory negotiation.  We owe ourselves this step up out of the mud of warfare.  With a little thoughtfulness and directed effort we can begin to illuminate our world with the light of understanding and compassion.  Clearly this is a great improvement over our old traditional, violent means of settling disputes.

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